Women’s News

August 25, 2016

Rise of Women Speakers of Parliament

Before 1945, Austria was the only state to have elected a woman to the role of Speaker of Parliament. As of 1 June 2016, the number of women Speakers of Parliament reached an all-time high at 49, this according to the report of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU). The 49 women Speakers of Parliament represent 17.7% of the total number of 277 posts of Presiding Officers or Speakers of Parliament worldwide. Globally, there are 193 parliaments, 77 of which are bicameral. […]
August 15, 2016

Women Refugees Overcome Adversity through Sports

The participation of four women refugee athletes in this year’s Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro shines light to the flight of refugee women and girls around the world. Women and girls make up nearly 50% of any refugee, internally displaced or stateless population, this according to the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), the UN’s refugee agency. In January 2016, the UN refugee agency reported that women and children refugees make up 55% of those arriving by sea to […]
August 7, 2016

New Report Shows Lack of Women Leaders in International Sports Organizations

This year’s Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro is expected to have 45% female participation. Even as the number of female athletes has improved, the number of women in leadership roles in international sports organizations remains wanting. The “2016 International Sports Report Card on Women in Leadership Roles” released by The Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport (TIDES) at the University of Central Florida showed the following dire statistics: Only 5.7% of International Federation presidents, 12.2% of the vice […]
August 1, 2016

93 UN Member States Commit to Close Gender Equality Gap

A total of 93 United Nations (UN) member states have expressed their commitment to close the gender equality gap as of the last week of July 2016, this according to UN Women. The UN member states that expressed their commitment towards gender equality include Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belgium, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria and Burundi. In a statement delivered during the “Global Leader’s Meeting on Gender Equality […]
July 17, 2016

There is no honor in honor killings

Qandeel Baloch: Pakistani social media star strangled by her brother Pakistani social media celebrity Qandeel Baloch has been killed by her brother in an apparent ‘honor killing’ in the province of Punjab, police say. Ms Baloch, 26, recently caused controversy by posting controversial pictures of herself on social media, including one with her alongside a Muslim cleric. Police say she was strangled to death. Cases of women being killed for‘dishonoring’ their family are commonplace in Pakistan. Baloch’s father Muhammad Azeem […]
June 27, 2016

Did You Know that Women’s Equality is in the UN Charter Because of Actions of Women from the South?

In 1945 the UN Charter became the first international document to inscribe the rights of men and women as part of fundamental human rights. This is the reason why the UN today has a clear legal mandate to actively promote the rights of women, a mandate that UN Women was established to realize and protect. Who are we to honor for the specific references to women’s rights in the Charter? Ask even specialists how gender equality came about, and the […]
June 27, 2016

For the first time in almost three millennia, Rome’s top official will be a woman

At just 37 years old, lawyer Virginia Raggi has taken up the helm of one of the world’s oldest cities and pledged to fix its most enduring issues. Raggi – who turns 38 next month – will also become the youngest mayor in Rome’s history. Raggi grew up in the central quarter of Rome’s San Giovanni and studied law at the Roma Tre University before joining local neighbourhood boards. Raggi is married to radio director Andrea Severini (who reportedly introduced […]
June 13, 2016

Marriage can wait

Marriage can wait: Syrian teen in Jordan sets sights on starry career Hind Bakri, a teenage Syrian refugee, dreams of becoming an astrophysicist despite economic and social pressures on her to marry. ZARQA, Jordan – As a teenager obsessed with science, Hind Bakri grew up scouring NASA’swebsite, reading about everything from exoplanets to black holes. It was there Bakri found an online questionnaire for astrophysicists interested in NASA scholarships. Seeing nothing to deter her, Bakri filled it out and clicked […]