Women’s News

September 25, 2015

WNC at Feministing Foreign Policy – A Global Conversation in Ottawa

A global conversation with Nobel Peace Laureates and Canadian thought leaders in advance of the federal election, with reflections from Ottawa-Centre Candidates. Keynote Speakers: Tawakkol Karman, Shirin Ebadi, Mairead Maguire and Jody Williams with: Joanna Kerr and Monia Mazigh Date and Time: Tuesday, September 15, 2015, 6:30 PM On September 15, 2015, three Nobel peace laureates joined Canadian women thought-leaders in Ottawa for an inspiring pre-federal election conversation on the potential for feminist ideas and approaches to transform foreign policy. […]
July 15, 2015

Jalal Foundation promotes rights of women

We condemned with strongest indignation the increasing incidents of public executions, beheadings, murders, rapes, beatings, and other forms of violence against Afghan women through holding demonstrations, human rights chains and organizing gatherings to protest on 17 July 2015 in Kabul.  More specifically, we hold the Taliban responsible for the many incidents of poisoning that victimized 2,000 school girls in various parts of the country since last year.  This is a clear criminal act which betrays how much the Taliban and […]